I have four blog posts in the hopper right now, in various stages of presentability. At least two of them are much longer than I like to have posts be. Expect lots (in a relative sense of lots) of activity over the next week or two.
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Meditation for the last few days has been less productive than I’d like. I can’t stop thinking about my writing; I have so many ideas I want to get out.
Better Writing
Concise and simple are beautiful.
Precise and correct are important.
Telling stories powerfully is essential.
Tell your story powerfully instead of telling someone what to do. Instead of resisting being told what to do, perhaps they’ll see an opportunity for themselves that was previously obscured. Perhaps they already know what to do, and just need a little push to actually do it.
Instead of saying “I think,” ask if what you think could be the case. Instead of saying “You should,” ask what would happen if they did. Instead of saying “That’s not the case,” ask, “if that were the case, wouldn’t this also be the case?”
What do you mean, “The past doesn’t exist”?
Maybe I’m projecting, but it seems to me a nearly universal experience that there are things for which we kick ourselves from the past. Little moments where we stick our foot in our mouth, or do something that seems stupid later. I’ve had these memories last for years. The other person probably doesn’t even remember, but it seems like telling myself this doesn’t make any difference. I just keep kicking myself. Until now. Continue reading
A co-worker asked me about beliefs today and I told him I’d find an essay I’d written about my beliefs. Then I discovered I’d never written it. lol.
Let me preface this a little. I’m not sure why, but in the last couple of weeks, I’ve started thinking more about “transformational stuff,” like what I posted the other day. My mind turns to a declaration I created for myself several years ago: Who I am is the possibility of a world that works for everyone. This is a kind of anchor for my definitions in life; “useful,” for example, is a word that describes things that further my goal. Things that fulfill on who I am as a possibility.