Useful Abstractions from Games People Play

I’m still slogging through Games People Play, by Eric Berne. It’s getting easier. The book really does not give you enough context at the outset, so you have to infer a lot, and ignore a lot. I will probably end up reading it again…

Starting from the most general, here are some useful abstractions that I’ve identified, on which I intend to capitalize: Continue reading

Understanding Apache and PHP-FPM

There are a number of guides out there on how someone has gotten their web server to work with PHP-FPM. Most of them are Nginx, but a few are Apache. While these articles will happily show you their configuration files, I haven’t found any that actually give formulas for the configuration files and why they have to be set up the way they are. The configuration for Apache’s handlers, actions, aliases, scriptaliases (if you use them), and mod_fastcgi are complicated and very much unclear. I imagine that the authors of these helpful blog posts were so happy to be done getting their configurations working that they set the files read-only and immutable, copied and pasted into their blogs, and filed it away next to the times they wrote xorg.conf and zone files from scratch.

Indeed, that’s how I wanted it to be for me. Life has other plans. Continue reading

Games People Play

“Games People Play” on Wikipedia

I’m currently reading this, as part ongoing research for the project on the wiki. Thoughts:

  • It’s an infuriating read; it’s like slightly-edited stream of consciousness.
  • It’s also a very incomplete view of humanity, in my opinion; I suspect this is a common problem among pop-psychology fads. More research is needed.
  • It’s also going to be very useful. It provides really, really good insights that the work I’ve done so far has left completely blank. Continue reading

Page Speed Tests on the new server

The wiki:

The blog:

I don’t know how to get rid of that last 304 status code on the blog. (Any suggestions are appreciated!) The Page Speed stuff outlines more things that can be done; I’ll get to them later, as they will involve editing my WordPress theme directly, and that’s kinda on the edge of my expertise. Continue reading