Abandon Sprint!

After about two weeks of mostly-daily blog posts, I fell into a pretty annoying depression. I think I’m most of the way out now. Consequently, the sprint I had planned from the 2nd to the 8th (odd timing, yes) has been completely scrapped. Items from it were deleted, de-scheduled, or re-scheduled to my next sprint, which will run from the 9th to the 21st. I think longer sprints will work better. I think gaps between them also need to exist and be probably a couple of days long.

A little more honesty and vulnerability below the fold.

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Well, that was fun . . . NOT.

About 38.5 hours of solid downtime. The computer that has been hosting these sites became completely erratic in its behavior and I was frankly uncomfortable turning the thing on anymore. I went out and bought parts and build a completely new system–no used components at all, which is a first for me–and right now have hobbled back on-line by adding the hard drives from the old system and am booting off them.

This would never work with Windows.

There will be more downtime today and tomorrow while I’m figuring out how best to transfer all the data onto the new machine in a way that makes sense. Linux is still kinda rough around the edges when it comes to software RAID, large hard drives and partitions, and GPT.