Are we separate?

I recently stopped reading Alan Watts’ book, “The Book”, after he asserted that man is “incapable of pleasure and contentment” while experiencing the world as a collection of separate people and objects. I find this assertion absurd. But the larger thrust of the book, that we aren’t separate objects and people, is actually starting to seem logical, even appealing. More below the fold.

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Rant: Snake Oil

I’ve taken almost 60 people off my friends list on Facebook in the last week. People with whom I’ve spent time talking about transformation, and how important integrity is, if you want life to work. Most of the people I unfriended are in real estate. The rest are in network marketing or some other field of sales, “life coaching,” or some kind of “alternative medicine” that doesn’t actually do anything.

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Participation is lacking.

From the formal announcement of my project, I got one compliment and no other bites. This was disappointing, but it’s not really a problem. I’ve been at this on my own a long time, and I can continue on my own. Actually, I think things are happening faster now than they have up to this point. I’m actually… reading… books…

I’ve got at least 3 new blog posts in the hopper right now. Three big ideas, and I feel like there is a larger idea that connects them together, though I haven’t quite tied them together yet.

Stay tuned. Exciting times are ahead.

Wiki Largely Reorganized

Moving pages in Dokuwiki is hard. IMO, that’s the only advantage that Mediawiki or FOSwiki have over Dokuwiki. In every other way, Dokuwiki is superior.

The original reason (purpose for which) that I created this blog was to act as a human-readable change log for my wiki. It then became a journal of my setting up the web server where the blog runs, and thence into a journal of my personal attempts at transformation. Today I have a major change to report about the wiki.

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