Old stuff

I was going through my archives today and found an unlabeled sql dump from 2007. Lo and behold, this is the database dump that I made of my old Mediawiki site, hoping to transfer it from one host to another. Alas, I had no idea what I was doing, and after failing to migrate the site, I assumed the data was lost forever.

So here’s this file now, and it contains all this material that I wrote during the Very Long, Dark, Confusing part of my life that I’m now glad is over, and I’m wondering if I even want to bother reading it. There’s not much material there, and it’s so, so Mormon-centric. I just, I don’t even.

Nah, I’m just going to bzip2 it and leave it there for posterity. It’s 562 KB compressed. Who cares.

Jargon, sigh.

I don’t like using the word ‘consequences.’ It connotes something negative. I’d much rather say ‘results,’ which has a positive connotation. They are both equally likely to connote the wrong thing. I’d just rather give an unnecessarily positive spin than an unnecessarily negative one. I believe it will be more likely to… produce the result I’m after.

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Message to a Frustrated Loved One

I get that your experience today was that you consistently failed to translate your desires into reality. I get that you experienced a lack of power, freedom, and an inability to express yourself. I get that your expectations were unmet, your intentions thwarted, your communications undelivered. You’re not a failure; shit just happened the way it happened, and you made it mean what you made it mean. Continue reading

My new friend Forgnot

Some time ago, I added a note to the front page of the Wiki to the effect that the its structure wasn’t especially effective for people who were just starting to get involved with what I’m doing. I’ve wondered if that’s part of the reason I’ve been doing this alone so far. (Probably not.) In any case, I’ve made great strides in the creation of a structure that’s more suitable for someone to just jump in and read.

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