Have, do, be.

The point bears repeating: the only way to produce results in life is with action. If you want something, you must take action consistent with getting that thing in order to have it.


But doing is hard–I should speak for myself here. I have a very difficult time motivating myself to do the things that will produce the results I want. So what’s missing?

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You should start giving out E's so I can spell out FACADE or DEFACED.

From http://xkcd.com/336/ , licensed under CC-2.5 attribution, non-commercial.

The only thing in the Universe that produces results is action. Another way of saying the same thing: if you want a result, you must take actions consistent with the production of that result. There are no two ways about this.

(For example, reading this post will have the result of your knowing what’s in it. Doing what the post suggests will produce the result that you will understand your priorities, and yourself, more completely.) Continue reading


There’s no such thing as bad meditation,

After fifteen minutes of meditation, I’m still sitting there trying to change things that happened in the past.

So I notice that I’m trying to change things that are in the past, and make myself wrong for trying to change the past instead of being present.

So I notice that I’m making myself wrong for trying to change the past instead of being present, and start making myself wrong for making myself wrong.

Oh brother… now we’re off to the races.

All I’m trying to do is fix things, which is a big part of who I am. My favorite part of my job is that I get to fix things.

There’s nothing wrong with what I’m trying to do, it just isn’t fixing anything.